030 贝多芬、宫崎骏、Seth Godin 讲了同一件事

发布时间: 2月7日,2021年

Show notes:

Cal Newport 讲贝多芬,宫崎骏被采访,Seth Godin 的 blog,上周内有三篇文章讲了同一件事,听我道来。


On Beethoven and the Gifts of Silence - Study Hacks - Cal Newport

Hayao Miyazaki asked, while picking up trash on street, for opinions on 'Demon Slayer' - Japan Today

杂音 | happy xiao

Chasing the cool kids | Seth's Blog

What you think is boring now may be interesting in the future - Austin Kleon

多拍照片 | happy xiao

030 贝多芬、宫崎骏、Seth Godin 讲了同一件事》有一个想法

  1. Pingback引用通告: 如何变得独一无二 | happy xiao
