

儿时的我 - 它发生在过去,存在于现在,伴随我们直到坟墓。

社会的我 - 它是我们的社会身份,我们来自工作,家庭和社区的义务和责任。

创造的我 - 它是超脱世俗的我,它为我们自己思考,它是我们创造的使命。

美国诗人 Mary Oliver 认为 这3种身份构建了我们,通过它们,我们可以理解我们在创作时为什么会分心:

She identifies three primary selves that she inhabits, and that inhabit her, as they do all of us: the childhood self, which we spend our lives trying to weave into the continuity of our personal identity (“The child I was,” she writes, “is with me in the present hour. It will be with me in the grave.”); the social self, “fettered to a thousand notions of obligation”; and a third self, a sort of otherworldly awareness.



creative work requires a loyalty as complete as the loyalty of water to the force of gravity. A person trudging through the wilderness of creation who does not know this — who does not swallow this — is lost. He who does not crave that roofless place eternity should stay at home. Such a person is perfectly worthy, and useful, and even beautiful, but is not an artist.


The most regretful people on earth are those who felt the call to creative work, who felt their own creative power restive and uprising, and gave to it neither power nor time.


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