
尽管已经连续写了300篇 blog,时常我还是会因为想表达的太多,话题太大而卡壳。本来只是短短的一篇小文,一边写一边担心如何收尾,一边纠结前后逻辑是否矛盾,最后磨磨蹭蹭花上一个多小时,还卡在开头无法继续。

昨天看到一篇文章介绍的方法,似乎可以治好的这种症状。它来自于 Anne Lamott 的那本著名的关于写作的书 「Bird by Bird」。

It reminds me that all I have to do is to write down as much as I can see through a one-inch picture frame(一寸相框).
just what I can see through the one-inch picture frame, just one paragraph describing this woman, in the town where I grew up, the first time we encounter her.
you don't have to see your destination or everything you will pass along the way. You just have to see two or three feet ahead of you.

我可以借鉴到自己写 blog 的场景就是,先写下眼前已经明确的,最想说的那个点子,不要考虑全文最后的呈现,先写下一句最想说的话,最想表达的点子,已经成型的想法。

Annie 说这是她听过的关于写作,和人生的最好的建议。


(这是我连续写的第300篇 blog,恰好也是单号日期给 Patreon 会员的文章,给自己点个????,也谢谢你们的支持❤️)


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