“The author has spared himself no pains in his endeavor to present the main ideas in the simplest and most intelligible form… In the interest of clearness, it appeared to me inevitable that I should repeat myself frequently, without paying the slightest attention to the elegance of the presentation.”
Paul Graham 最近的一篇文章干脆起名为 Write Simply:
That kind of writing is easier to read, and the easier something is to read, the more deeply readers will engage with it. The less energy they expend on your prose, the more they’ll have left for your ideas.
David Perell 有个折中的办法更合我意,也是我学习写作的方向。
- 人们知道也会说的
- 人们知道但不说的
- 人们不知道也不说的
当我们写初稿时,可以像说话一样来记录,而编辑时,作家的优势便可以显现 - 使用更有启发性,更优雅的“人们知道但不说的”词汇来鲜活你的文章。