
为了保持专注,我们设计了很多方法,包括物理隔断让我们分心的东西,控制社交媒体 app 的使用时间,降噪耳机,以及设定一些个人原则等等。

这些都没有从根本上解决问题,我们不能上 Twitter,玩不了手机,还是会找个理由出去走走,吃点零食,反正就是不能专注的去做那些对我们重要的事情。


Oliver Burkeman 在文章 The truth about distraction 中说到,我们不要期待那些需要我们专注的事情是舒服和愉快的。

All of which points to a more fundamental solution to distraction, one that’s incredibly simple, but not at all easy: just stop expecting hard, important, meaningful things to feel constantly comfortable and pleasant.


All of which points to a more fundamental solution to distraction, one that’s incredibly simple, but not at all easy: just stop expecting hard, important, meaningful things to feel constantly comfortable and pleasant.


Important stuff sometimes just feels difficult!” Of course it does. That shouldn’t come as a surprise, really. And it isn’t a problem, either.